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How Businesses Can Benefit From Using Google Plus


If you are like many of the new business owners and small business owners today, you might have mastered the craft of using the top and the most popular social media websites today for your company, but you might want to add another social media website on your growing list. Google is now offering Google Plus as its own version of social networking


Some of the features available for businesses using Google Plus and how the social media website has been known to connect with the other products of Google are still being discussed today. People are aware that the qualities and the main features of Google Plus can be relatable to other social media platforms, since they can also update their status, photos, videos and other news links to their followers. Learn about the differences of the website by reading through the rest of the article. An example of a Google Plus account should be the one of Olivier Roland.


First is through the creation of circles. Google Plus introduces the circles, which can allow users to select and customize who sees and who does not see the information that you post. These circles refer to groups of people that you are connected with, either your family or friends. Users of Google Plus are allowed to select which circles can see their updates. There are also options that let users view messages like a group chat. These features can allow users of Google Plus and business people categorize and organize their target audience that are better targeting them based on the messages that you create. The circle is a personal construct, which means that from the viewpoints of one user in that circle you created, they are actually not connected to each other. Businesses can benefit businesses through these forms because they enable people to select who gets their updates, creating more engagement with a wide set of customers. For more facts and info regarding Google Plus, you can go to


Second is the feature known as Hangouts. If your favorite social media website has a feature known as the chat box, Google Plus takes pride in having group video chats that can contribute to a more specific interaction with the customers of a specific business. Businesses are allowed to hang out with a maximum of ten people from your circles and create video conversations in real time. This has been a useful tool for business owners when they want to share videos of their products and services from other websites as well. The Hangouts also have features such as Hangouts On Air which can publicly broadcast the conversations that you have with specific people. In this way, more customers can see what is going on and will influence when to know more about the business. Read more about Olivier here.

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